Score Solution Scores For Consumers Battling Credit Errors

Released on = March 9, 2007, 2:05 pm

Press Release Author = David Johnson / Strategic Vision, LLC

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Company Provides Cost-Efficient And Effective Solutions To
Credit Errors

Press Release Body = Boynton Beach, FL - Score Solution, a Florida-based credit
repair company, offers what fancy advertising doesn't deliver, an affordable and
efficient way to repair consumer credit reports that have errors in them. A recent
study showed that every 2 out of 5 Americans have errors on their credit reports
which are affecting their credit score and either forcing consumers into higher
interest brackets or denying them credit entirely. Score Solution helps the
consumer to review and challenge errors in their credit reports from the three major
credit bureaus in a time efficient and low cost way. The company has a success
ratio of 3-4 removals on a client's credit report.

"Most consumers do not realize that there are errors on their credit reports until
they seek to buy a house or car and then those errors can be fatal," said Mia Lutz,
consultant for Score Solution. "At Score Solution we urge consumers to be proactive
and check their credit reports well before they seek to make a major purchase.
Removing these errors off of the credit reports is not an overnight exercise and we
advise that consumers begin the process at least six months prior to any major
purchase. Failure to correct errors on credit reports can cost consumers thousands
of dollars in higher interest rates."

Score Solution offers a direct and easy way to deal with errors on credit reports.
Most consumers don't realize that the major causes for errors are identity theft,
credit bureaus tying two consumer's reports together, or a creditor reporting
incorrect information.

Often when consumers seek to correct an error, they find the erroneous items come
back as \"verified\" and remain on the report. Then the consumer needs to start over
yet again in a persistent manner that can become tedious and frustrating as it is
repeated numerous times before it is corrected. All of this happens because the
credit bureaus work in various codes that do not interpret the consumers' dispute
correctly. At Score Solution, its consultants know the language and code of the
credit bureaus, so such mistakes do not occur.

"Challenging the credit bureaus to correct an error can be a battle that many
consumers are not ready for and go on for years with building stress for the
consumer," said Lutz. Score Solution takes away the stress from the consumer and
streamlines the process so the errors are removed in a time efficient way."

Additional information on Score Solution may be obtained by calling 1-866-547-2673.


Web Site =

Contact Details = Media Contact:
David E. Johnson
Strategic Vision, LLC
Ph: (404) 880-0098

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